How To Choose The Best AI Development Company On The Market

AI Development Company

The instance you realize your product needs AI is just the start of a journey. Your success rests on the quality of development and deliverance. And here springs the first hurdle: how to find experienced AI developers? The demand for AI professionals is on overdrive, yet the choice of experts is still quite scant. Over and above, hiring a person in-house can be too expensive. To give you an idea, the average hourly rate of an AI developer is $45.

This is exactly why many companies opt to hire an AI development company instead. Not only are the overall costs much lower, but you can also depend on the expertise of a knowledgeable team.

How do you narrow it down to the right AI software development company, though?

When you’re a novice in the field, it can be tough to identify if a specific provider is a good choice. This article can help you out. Here are some of the most important points to be mindful of when hiring an AI software development company:

What skills are key in an AI software developer?

To find out what’s going on, it’s best to start with a quick introduction to AI terminology. The moment you start researching, you may soon get overwhelmed by jargon and some quite unclear technical terms. So, what core skills is an AI developer fitted with?

Data science skills – Here’s where it all begins. Every AI developer should know how to deal with data and prep it for analysis. A strong background in statistics is also needed.

Machine learning and deep learning – Either of this vocabulary are often used in the context of AI, but what is their exact meaning? Machine learning algorithms can figure out how to perform certain tasks by generalizing from examples. Simply said, the algorithm finds a way to solve a problem without having any clear instructions since it makes predictions depending on available data. Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning that employs a specific kind of model, neural networks depending on the structure of the human brain.

Python, R and Java – Having fluency in at least one of these languages is critical to deal with large amounts of data and dealing with complex scenarios. Python is chart-topper for years now, while R and Java both are popular in their own way.

Sum Up

When you can understand the basic AI skillset, you’ll find it much easier to discuss details with the AI development company. Indeed, you don’t want deep technical knowledge at this stage, but it actually yields results to know what the main fields of AI are and how they’re applied in business.