A Definite Guide to Clean House After Renovation

after builders cleaning

Renovation of buildings and houses could leave the space looking wrecked as well as distressed. And, cleaning up the dust as well as debris caused by the renovation work could be time-consuming as well as tiresome. All the wood shavings, plasters, and dust & debris could be foul and weird sight. Therefore, it is crucial to go through after builder cleaning before you get comfortable on the sofa.

Steps to Clean the House Post Renovation

The layer of dust could make the freshly renovated house look shabby and worn. Removing dust from the house could prevent clogging air vents, give a clean look to the house, and much more. Here are few steps that you can follow to clean the house post-renovation or construction work

  • Clean Carpet & Soft Furniture- No matter how much effort you make to cover the furnishing and floors for protecting them, dust somehow manages to sneak out. The small particles in the air get trapped in fabric items such as carpets, curtains, and upholstered furniture. In case you do not clean the dust post renovation/ construction work, it could cause damage.

To prevent damage, it is advised to run the vacuum thoroughly over the carpet and all soft furnishings. To reach the area such as crevices and folds in fabric, change the attachments. In case the sofa in the house has removable cushions, beat the dust off. Ensure you vacuum the mattresses and underlying frames of beds and furniture.

  • Take Care of Walls

During improvements, the walls, as well as ceilings, also collect the dust. Dry dusting them would help to wipe off the particles from freshly decorated surfaces. Depending on the kind of paint used on walls, you could use the damp microfibre towel for cleaning. For decorative embellishments such as pediments and mouldings, a vacuum is a great choice.

  • Wipe as well as Polish Furnishings

Wipe the hard surfaces from the top and make the way down. Vacuum the bookshelves as well as shelves inside of the cabinets. Wipe all doorframes, countertops as well as flat and hard furnishings in the house to get each area dust-free. Ensure you clean the window frames, all doorknobs & handles, and windowsills.

Along with these, ensure you clear the ventilation system, change the air filters, clean the electronic devices as well. Do not forget to clean the blades of ceiling fans, light fixtures, decorative items, lampshades, and chandeliers. In case you find it hard to do the job, consider hiring professionals for after builders cleaning in Dublin. They would complete the job in few hours with ease.